Acupuncture is an ancient medicine, practiced all over the world. Generally speaking, acupuncture refers to the insertion of flexible, hair-thin needles into the body’s subtle energy centers. Through this application, order and balance in the body can be restored.
Moxibustion is a nourishing and warming technique. It involves the burning of the herb commonly known as mugwort, either on or over acupuncture points. This allows for increased circulation and cellular regeneration. (It is one of the therapies I turn to most).
Trigger Point Therapy
Trigger point therapy is a form of acupuncture that releases tight muscles. Trigger points are tight and tender areas of the body that produce local or referred pain. By releasing trigger points, tightness and pain can be quickly reduced.
Tui Na
Tui Na is a form of touch therapy, which can range from apparent manipulations like kneading and pressing to a light and gentle touch, which is much more subtle nature.
Gua Sha
Gua Sha is a Chinese modality that involves scraping of soft tissue with a tool in order to reduce chronic inflammation, release tight areas and break up adhesions.
Cupping refers to the application of glass or plastic cups along areas of the body, creating a suction that can help alleviate pain in the muscles, break up adhesions and remove toxins.
“Chabelly was the first practitioner I had ever experienced acupuncture from. She was very caring and genuine in answering my questions about the practice and put me at ease from the start. After one session of treatment for sciatica pain that I had experienced for over a year, I had immediate relief.”